The Best Pore Vacuums

Updated Jul 2022

via Amazon

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Updated Jul 2022

Buying guide for


Pore vacuums are one of the simplest ways to handle blackheads, acne, and clogged pores. They’re facial treatment devices that suck dirt, oil, and dead skin cells from your face. If you use these periodically to treat your skin, you can reduce issues to help clear your skin. Pore vacuums aren’t a permanent solution, but they are a terrific aid to your already terrific skin care regimen. This article will cover our top five favorite pore vacuums and will give you the pros and cons of each so you can make an informed decision before purchasing this gadget. We’ll compare them based on what skin types they work best on, how effectively they operate, how easy they are to use, and their different features.

You’ll want to check to see how many settings your pore vacuum has. That will tell you how much suction power the vacuum offers while you’re using it. The most common options are three setting vacuums, but some will offer as many as five. The greater the setting options, the greater the variant in power levels. A poem vacuum with more options are best if you’re just getting started or have sensitive skin as they’ll give you slower and lower options so you can ease yourself into the usage.

You’ll also want to consider what additional attachments are included with the pore vacuum. Some may have different attachments for particular functions — removing blackheads, cleansing pores, etc. Some will also offer replacement suction probes so you can replace yours if it begins to wear out.

Finally, you’ll want to look at the results you want from your pore vacuum. They all generally offer the same benefits, but some may preform tasks better than others. Some will be better at removing blackheads than others. Some are designed for a deep cleansing of your pores.



A. Most pore vacuums have a rechargeable battery. The device plugs into a USB cord and you can charge the battery using the cord and any appropriate charging box. Many of the vacuums can be used for weeks between charges, depending on your usage.


A. Generally, at-home pore vacuums aren’t as powerful as the devices used by professionals which makes them safer for any skin types. However, if you’ve never used a pore vacuum before you may not know how to use it, and learning to use it will prevent any potential skin damage or irritation. It’s better to start on the lowest setting and apply gentle pressure while you adjust to using the pore vacuum. It’s important to learn how to properly use your device and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. You may consider consulting a doctor before using a pore vacuum if you have sensitive skin.

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**All images used are sourced directly from Amazon.**

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