The Best Heating Pads

Updated Jun 2022

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Updated Jun 2022

Buying guide for


Heating pads are a multi-purpose tool everyone should have in their homes. Do you ever have muscle pain? Cramps? What about neck stiffness? Or back pain? Do you get easily chilly? Are you a cat person? If you answered yes to any of these things, take this as a sign to get a heating pad. Or a second one, if you’ve already got one. You can never have too many heating pads. But what heating pad to buy? There’s no shortage of options out there, which is a good problem to have, but it does make the decision a little more challenging. We’ve tried to make the decision a more efficient, and easier, process for you by collecting our five favorite heating pads in this article. We’ve included a buying guide so you can have a good idea of what to look for, and why we picked the heating pads that we did.

Before buying a heating pad, you should consider a few key points. You don’t want to buy a heating pad and find that it doesn’t work for your needs or isn’t what you were expecting. The first factor to consider is size. What part of your body are you going to be using this pad on? If it’s your back, you’ll want a large heating pad. If you’re using it for a sweet pet, you’ll want to look for an even larger one. Abdominal needs won’t require as much, so a smaller one will do. Next, you should consider what sort of heat output you’ll want. You’ll want to look for a heating pad that has different heat settings that you can control with a button or a switch. Start the heat low and go up from there to ensure you’re not choosing to high of a heat. Finally, you’ll want to consider whether or not the pad will contour to your body, or if you want to purchase a pad specifically designed to fit one particular part of your body, like a fitted back heating pad or a neck wrap. There are plenty of options out there for all parts and sorts!



A. The short answer is, yes. You should always keep an eye on your heating pads. You don’t want to let it stay on indefinitely as that could always lead to a problem. However, most heating pads come with automatic shut-offs so you don’t need to worry about overheating or starting a fire. But always double check the label of your heating pad to ensure it has auto shut-off before using.


A. Always check the label of your heating pad before using it, but most allow you to take off the outer layer so it can be washed in the washing machine and properly cleaned between uses.

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**All images used are sourced directly from Amazon.**

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